• Question: What is your favorite app ever made?

    Asked by Kate,Huan-Yu and Sophie to Jake, James, Pete, Senga, Simonne on 8 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Senga Robertson

      Senga Robertson answered on 8 Nov 2017:

      Hi Kate, Huan-Yu and Sophie

      now that is a brilliant question…….I’m really not sure!

      I use facebook and twitter quite a lot, it’s great to keep up with friends that are now all around the world and to keep up to date with new science stuff that is happening – quite often scientists tweet little bits and bobs about their research and it’s really interesting!

      I also used to play poke’mon go quite a lot….I got a red Gyrados once which was pretty cool!

      What’s your favourite app?

      Senga 🙂

    • Photo: Pete Gwynne

      Pete Gwynne answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      i’ve got one that does all the maths i need in the lab which i use all the time. it would have really annoyed my maths teacher at school because she always used to say “you need to learn maths because you won’t always have a calculator with you”. but now i have something better than a calculator.

      it’s either that or angry birds.

    • Photo: Simonne Weeks

      Simonne Weeks answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      My students love Nearpod https://app.nearpod.com/home
