• Question: what is the over all molecular calculation of the p orbital and specificly what is the chemical simbol of hidrocloric acid

    Asked by 397putk52 to Jake, Pete, Senga, Simonne on 15 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Pete Gwynne

      Pete Gwynne answered on 15 Nov 2017:

      hydrochloric acid is written as HCl, meaning it has one hydrogen (H) atom and one chloride (Cl).
      you must be a pretty good chemist to be wondering about the orbitals arrangements of the electrons though! i don’t think i learnt about that until i was at university. as you will probably know, the hydrogen atom doesn’t have a p orbital, as it’s single electron occupies the 1s orbital. the only available electron in the chlorine atom is in the 3pz orbital, and this forms a sigma-type bond with the hydrogen’s free 1s orbital.

    • Photo: Senga Robertson

      Senga Robertson answered on 15 Nov 2017:


      loved our live chat earlier!

      hydrochloric acids chemical formula is HCl (H=Hydrogen, Cl=Chlorine)

      This is a really good video that explains how the p orbital of the chlorine binds with the Hydrogen (that has no p orbitals as Pete said)

      and here is a photo of what the bond between hydrogen and chlorine looks like including the p orbitals.
      This has been one of the best, well thought out questions I have seen on here, you definitely know your stuff. I didn’t start learning about p orbitals until I was at least 15, I’m really, really impressed and will be nominating you for best question. Well done.

      Senga 🙂
