• Question: What intresting fact do you know about space?

    Asked by Zofia.D. to Jake, James, Pete, Senga, Simonne on 13 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Pete Gwynne

      Pete Gwynne answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      astronauts who go on space walks say that space smells like sausages.

    • Photo: Jake Langham

      Jake Langham answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      Not technically a space fact, but it only really happens in space…

      If you are moving very quickly or if you are next to something very heavy then time actually moves slower for you. (It really does! The effect is strong enough that they have to adjust the clocks on satellites and the ISS to account for this.)

    • Photo: Senga Robertson

      Senga Robertson answered on 14 Nov 2017:

      Hi Zofia

      I know that 1 year on Mercury only lasts 88 days so that means that in mercury years I am nearly 137!

      How old are you in Mercury years?
