• Question: Is the dark side of the moon more discovered than our sea

    Asked by cheese man to Jake on 13 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Jake Langham

      Jake Langham answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      Hmmm, I would say probably ‘yes’. We know a lot about the far side of the moon and have taken some very detailed pictures. (But I don’t think humans have actually set foot on the far side.)

      The thing about the ocean is there’s just a lot more of it (because it has a floor, a surface and all the depth in between) and there’s a lot more going on. So there’s a lot more cool stuff to discover and we’re finding things out all the time. If you can, check out the second episode of Blue Planet II which shows some of the least explored parts of the ocean and the hughe amount of crazy creatures that there are down there https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b09f8vtb/blue-planet-ii-series-1-2-the-deep
