• Question: what do you know about seas

    Asked by jojo 2 to Pete, Simonne, Senga, James, Jake on 10 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Jake Langham

      Jake Langham answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      That’s a very general question, what would you like to know? I know that they make up about 97% of the water on Earth if you count everything and that there are all sorts of cool things in the really deep ocean where it’s so dark that some fishes make their own light. Have you been watching Blue Planet 2 (the nature documentary with David Attenborough)?

    • Photo: Pete Gwynne

      Pete Gwynne answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      most of the world’s oxygen is made by massive bits of algae in the oceans, not by trees! and the tallest mountain in the world isn’t mount everest, it’s called mauna kea but most of it is underwater (it’s 10,000 meters tall but only 4,000 is above the sea).

      also, the reason pirates wore eye patches wasn’t because they only had one eye. it was so that one eye had good night vision for when they went below deck into the ship. that’s not a science fact but i like it anyway.

    • Photo: Senga Robertson

      Senga Robertson answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      Hi jojo2

      since water covers over 70% of Earths surface there are sooo many facts. I’ve listed a few that I found cool but if you have a specific fact you’d like to know about the seas you can ask us another question or maybe have a look on the internet and let us know your cool fact.

      1-algal blooms caused mainly by pollution from agricultural fertilisers have created around 150 “dead zones” in the sea that can be as big as 70000km. Dead zones are areas of water that are very low in oxygen where a lot of animals can’t survive. (thankfully my job is working out ways to stop this happening).

      2-the dead sea is so salty you can just float in it, it’s 34% salt! This makes it denser than normal water and makes us more buoyant. Because it’s so dense you can’t actually dive or swim in it easily. I think I’d like to visit to test this out!

      3-the great barrier reef is the worlds largest living structure and is so big it can be seen from the moon – it’s 2600km long!
